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68-69) modals, phrasal verbs (run), forming negative adjectives 59) Endangered Species Spotlight on Exams (pp. 58) My friend needs a teacher Going Green 3 (p. 57) - American High Schools Across the Curriculum (Citizenship) (p. 50-51) future tenses, comparative/superlative degree, phrasal verbs (pick), forming personal pronounsĬulture Corner 3 (p. 48-49) jobs, job qualities, idioms related to workģc (pp. 46-47) types of school, school activitiesģb (pp.

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40) How responsible Spotlight on Exams (pp. 39) - Great British Sporting Events! Across t are you with your money? Going Green 2 (p. 32-33) -ing form, (to) infinitive, forming abstract nouns, phrasal verbs (take)Ĭulture Corner 2 (p. 30-31) hobbies & personalities, weather idiomsĢc (pp. 23) The recycling loop Spotlight on Exams (pp. 22) Put an end to discrimination! Going Green 1 (p. 21) - Teenage fashion in the UK Across the Curriculum (Citizenship) (p. 14-15) present tenses, phrasal verbs (look), dependent prepositions, forming adjectivesĬulture Corner 1 (p.

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12-13) character qualities idioms, parts of the bodyġc (pp. Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 6HW. While every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders, if any have been inadvertently overlooked the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.

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Music Compositions & Arrangement by Ted and Taz. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book.Ĭolour Illustrations: Stone, Chris. Thanks for their support and patience are due in particular to: Megan Lawton (Editor in Chief) Mary Swan and Sean Todd (senior editors) Michael Sadler and Steve Miller (editorial assistants) Richard White (senior production controller) the Express Publishing design team Warehouse (recording producers) and Kevin Harris, Kimberly Baker, Steven Gibbs and Christine Little. We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed thar skills to producing this book. Эванс Authors: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Bob Obee, Olga Afanasyeva, Irina Mikheeva Virginia Evans Jenny Dooley Bob Obee Olga Afanasyeva Irina Mikheeva

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